
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
Food waste mitigating activities: the connection of retail and consumers, a scoping review SLU-General Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Rosa Hellman (new window) Opens in new window
Food provisioning occupations and student parents DCC Template University of Plymouth Ellie Iddles (new window) Opens in new window
Food insecurity and Universal Credit study in Nottinghamshire University of Nottingham generic Data Management Plan University of Nottingham Michelle Thomas (new window) Opens in new window
Food environment, food choice motives and diet consumption in Pastoralist settings in Kenya Data Management Plan | Wageningen University and Research Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands) Esther Omosa (new window) Opens in new window
FOLLOWERS AND FOLLOWERSHIP: How both followers and leaders perceive their roles and influences. The Netherlands and Nigeria As Case Studies DCC Template University of Birmingham James Olaniyi (new window) Opens in new window
Focus group to gain insight for future feedback systems for training purposes. TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Ayrton Braam (new window) Opens in new window
Focus Group for NIHR Grant Application University of Manchester Generic Template University of Manchester Gwenllian Tawy (new window) Opens in new window
Flood risk labels: An investor’s perspective TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Rick Gorter (new window) Opens in new window
Flexigrobots Horizon 2020 DMP Other Fernando Aguilar (new window) Opens in new window
Financial wellbeing and its impact on risk preferences Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Kanagasabapathy Surendran (new window) Opens in new window